Girls and Gaze
On The Female/Sexworker Gaze
Having your picture taken is a strange experience. You stand, usually semi clothed, frequently very cold, for hours on end, making small movements, holding uncomfortable positions, above all trying to ensure your mouth isn’t doing something strange. The best pictures are often those which felt the most awkward to take – and it’s almost impossible to tell from the preview on the back of the camera what the end result will look like. But that end result is always worth it, and the sense of achievement and pride which comes with creating beautiful imagery with other talented individuals is unparalleled.Working as an independent companion, photographs are one of the most important aspects of your business. Understandably, a gallery full of glorious images is one of the first things potential clients will look at, and we always want to show our best selves. Whilst I know for many clients, looks are very much not the be all and end all, it would be foolish to pretend they do not matter. First impressions count!So far, I’ve had four professional photo shoots, and notably, all of them have been done by women who also work as escorts. Sex workers photographing other sex workers is a beautiful thing – working with someone who understands the peculiar intricacies of a photo shoot of this nature is a real joy. During this process, we’re not just taking photographs – we’re supporting each other as colleagues, in all our ventures. All the women who took my shots passed on their knowledge of posing, of venues, of the tips to get that perfect angle, and I’ll be forever grateful to them.I’m extremely fortunate in that many of my colleagues are also exceptionally talented photographers – a testament to the multifaceted nature of many companions who frequently excel in so many aspects of their lives. My gallery would not look like it does without the skills of Elita Darling, Lupa Vaux and Louisa Knight.I have my first shoot with a male photographer booked in the new year, and I’m really looking forward to working with him. He’s shot some of my closest friends in this industry and I love his work. But I will treasure my initial experiences, and the powerful process of being photographed by my outrageously talented friends and colleagues.